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Welcome to CRMC website. We are glad you’ve stopped by!


It is our sincere desire that CRMC becomes a place where you connect with God and others. We believe that understanding and living out what the Bible teaches are key to our spiritual growth. Our mission is to become more like Jesus every day.


We pray you will step into this journey with us and that you will find here meaningful opportunities to connect with others who share this vision. If you’re just beginning to explore how God may be relevant in your life, we want to meet you on that path. If you’re a long-time follower who wants to grow deeper in your faith, we want to support and nurture that desire as well.


When you join us on Sunday afternoon, your children will have a blast in CRMC Sunday School with fun Bible lessons and activities designed to build a spiritual foundation in their lives.


I hope you will be specially blessed today and that you will choose to join us each week as we grow together! 


God Bless,

Rev Andrew Pragash 




We would love to pray for you, you are not alone. We are here in your to support you in prayer. We believe that God is able to work miracles in your life.  

Thank you! Your prayer request has been summited. "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."-Matthew 21:22 God bless you.

Where to Find Us

(Sunday Service)

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